Reach out to Luther Sault

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How can Luther Sault be of service? (Limit subject to 20 words of less).

If you have a reason I may want to reply over the phone, please leave me your number.

Tres Xotica

The Official 3rd installment of the Xotica Short Stories anthology is coming soon to all major platforms. 

There Are No "Dumb" Questions.

Interested in learning more about any of my projects? Have a question about something you’ve already read? Or, maybe you’re curious about becoming involved with the Sault brand in some way? Don’t be afraid to reach out should you have questions about myself or the Sault brand. There are no dumb questions. 

The Sault Brand

I’ve been constantly working to deliver on several, somewhere interlinked projects. Including physical art pieces and other creative forms I’ve been able to express myself with. These projects are part of what I call the Sault brand. While many features have yet to be completed, I have been able to wrestle some links together to provide a closer look into the works of Luther Sault.  Click the button below to view these links of interest. 

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